Tuesday, 8 December 2020



Punctuation is speaking, where we use pauses, intonation and voice modulation to make our meaning clear.
In writing we use punctuation marks to do so.
Punctuation is adding the right kind of points in a sentence to indicate expression, pauses and complition.

Punctuation is a system of signs and symbols used by a writer for the benefit of the reader, to show how a sentence is constructed and how it should be read.

There are some basic rules to be followed in punctuation.

Capital Letters

Capital letter is used at the beginning of the sentences. 
Example:- We can dance.
                Reena is preparing for her exam.

   They are used for proper nouns like personal names, names of companies, university, school, religions,nations etc.
Example 1.Rahul Gandhi is the son of Rajeev Gandhi.
2. Airtel has launched many schemes to attract its customers.
3. Monday is the first working day of the week.
4. Mahatma Gandhi is known as father of nation.

Full Stop

     ⚫We use the full stop at the end of a sentence which is a statement.

1. The deer ran away from the hunter.
2. I studied in Patiala.

    ⚫Full Stop is used after some abbreviations


     M.A. Mr. Dr. Prof. Dept. Engg.
     Sun. Mon. Jan. Mar. P.R.Sharma

    ⚫ Full Stops are used as the decimal point in figures and amounts of money.
     Rs.75.75 145.70 km/h

   ⚫  Full Stops are used to separate parts of an email or web address.
     Tanu_vk@, hotmail.com

     Question Mark

     Question Mark is used at the end of the sentences.

1. What is your name?
2.  How old are you?
⚫   It is also used at the end of question tags.

        She is preparing for her exam, isn't she?

Exclamation mark !

An exclamation mark is used at the end of a sentence to show shock, surprise, horror or pleasure.


It is sad!
What a tall building it is!


Commas indicate a slight pause and are used to divide a Sentence into several parts so that it is easier to follow its meaning . 

They are used

⚫To separate words in a list, though they are often omitted before and 


a bedcover with green, pink and yellow circles.
tea, coffee,milk or hot chocolate.

⚫ to separate phrases and clauses.

If you keep calm, have patience, concentrate and believe in yourself,then you are likely to pass your entrance test.

⚫ to separate a tag question from the rest of the sentence

You live in Bengaluru, right?

⚫ before or after  'he said', etc.when writing down conversation

"Come back soon,"she said.
He said,"come back soon."

⚫ to separate an introductory word or phrase or an adverb or adverbial phrase that applies to the whole Sentence, from the rest of the sentence. 
Oh, so that's where it was.
By the way, did you hear what happened at night in your neighborhood?


Colon  precedes a list,an explanation or an example.

There are two main branches of our school: Bhagat Puran Singh and Mata Mariam Block.

⚫to introduce a quotation, which may
be indented

As Shakespeare writes: 
   What's in name?A rose by any name would smell as sweet.


⚫ Semicolon is used to separate two Sentences that would have otherwise been joined with a word such as - and, because, since, unless or while.


It was a pleasure meeting you ; it was a wonderful experience.

Apostrophe  ( ' ) 

⚫An apostrophe before the letter ( ') indicates possession or belonging.

Example This is Nitu's house.

⚫ It is also used to show missing letters or numbers in shortened words.

Example It's a cold day today.We'll wear a thick cardigan.
'84.                                      (   1984.     )
The summer of '14.         (    2014.    )

Quotation Mark (" " )( ' ' )

⚫  Quotation Marks (single or double) are used to show words that are directly spoken in direct speech.

Example " Can you pass me that glass please? " said my sister.

⚫ They are used to show a quoted word,phrase or title.

Example "War and Peace" is a novel by Leo Tolstoy

Hyphen ( _) 

 ⚫Hypen is used to join two words or more to form compound words.

There are ninety-nine rupees in my wallet.


⚫Abbreviation is a shortened form of a word, with letters representing the whole world. Full stop is used after an abbreviation.

Dr. Amit is an expert heart surgeon.

Now it's the practice time⏲️⏲️


Punctuation Punctuation  is speaking, where we use pauses, intonation and voice modulation to make our meaning clear...