Thursday, 19 November 2020

Speaking skills

English is a fun language to learn , and even though it’s considered an accessible and relatively easy one to learn, with 750,000 words and spelling that can throw off even the most skilled learner, learning English fast can seem impossible. But I’m here to tell you that it isn’t – as long as you have the right strategy.

Informal contractions are short forms of other words that people use when speaking casually. They are not exactly slang, but they are a little like slang.Learn the list of informal contractions below to speak English faster.
Oh My God Synonyms!!! There are so many ways to say Oh My God that you can use. Below are common ways for English students.

Stay tuned for new English words....


Punctuation Punctuation  is speaking, where we use pauses, intonation and voice modulation to make our meaning clear...